Leslie Freda - 2018-10-12 17:12:49
https://bit.ly/2NyqrK5#cXZZaHJwZzUrV1JxZis3a2pTcExNQT09 My name is Leslie Freda and I’m the director of corporate benefits for a large wholesale travel provider. After reveiwing your website I thought you would benefit from our free employee travel benefits program. It’s free for everyone in your organization and can save you up to 70% off hotel bookings. Click on the link above, and do a few searches too see what you guys can save! I think you’ll love it! Sincerely, Leslie Freda
AUTHOR: Leslie Freda
AUTHOR EMAIL: travelbenefitsclub@gmail.com
SUBJECT: aprilgarner1@gmail.com
[1_Name] => Leslie Freda
[2_Email] => travelbenefitsclub@gmail.com
[3_Comment] => https://bit.ly/2NyqrK5#cXZZaHJwZzUrV1JxZis3a2pTcExNQT09 My name is Leslie Freda and I’m the director of corporate benefits for a large wholesale travel provider. After reveiwing your website I thought you would benefit from our free employee travel benefits program. It’s free for everyone in your organization and can save you up to 70% off hotel bookings. Click on the link above, and do a few searches too see what you guys can save! I think you’ll love it! Sincerely, Leslie Freda
[entry_title] => Contact
[entry_permalink] => http://www.aprilcgarner.com/contact-us/
[feedback_id] => 262e95d438321efad07057272544c4e7