I Haven't Written Lately Because Listicles
It's been a long time since I've written a blog post. My paying work picked up its pace over the past several months and the kids are out of school. Something had to give, so I intentionally put blogging on the back burner, as much as it pained me to do it.
I love writing here, because I can write whatever I want, in whatever format I want and with whatever whimsical made-up words I favor. The only problem is, no one pays me to write my weird personal stuff.
I recently started writing for a parenting website that is committed to listicles (an article in list format - Jason says "listicle" sounds like male genitalia). The website has very specific requirements for word count, amongst other rules for achieving ideal SEO (search engine optimization.)
When I started, I found the restrictions...well, restricting, but now, I've come to enjoy the challenge of creating an engaging list within the site's parameters. And I like that I can create these articles with internet research alone and don't have to talk to any real people or rely on them to send me information. (Introverts unite!...separately, in our own homes)
The real challenge, though, is choosing a topic. I get paid based on the number of times my listicles get clicked on, so it's in my best interest to pick popular topics. Some of the most-read ones involve shaming celebrities and ideas that have no other value than to shock the reader and allow them to judge people. They're the train wrecks of the internet. You know the type: Ten Shocking Celebrity Parents Who Don't Raise Their Kids Right. Yeah, Homey don't play that. And by "Homey," I mean me. But...
I found I can dress up the meatloaf - meatloaf being my own preferred topics: women's reproductive rights, body and fat positivity, and judge not, lest ye be judged. (Yes, the atheist just quoted the Bible.) I can take a topic like Eight Times Celebrities Messed Up Their Marriages - a potential train-wreck article - and give it value. I can turn it into a lesson on not judging others, even celebrities who are always, always in the public eye. I can use the shocking title to grab you and, now that I've got your attention, give you something that does more than entertain. I can feed you something that really makes you think and reflect. Example: I wrote this article, 12 Shocking Stories of Women Who Performed Their Own Abortions, and made it into an analysis of why they did it and how restrictive abortion laws can force a woman's hand. (One of the things I love about the site is they don't mind if I get political.)
So, in the vein of not judging, I have stopped judging listicle-type articles for their titles. I'm not the only writer out there trying to make people think instead of just gawking at disasters. Some listicles actually have substance. But, once I've read the content, make no mistake; I will be judging.