I always enjoy your writing, but this piece hit me at my core, as I've struggled with some of the same notions but been unable to clearly articulate them (even to myself).

"what I thought a healthily connected family ought to be doing: laughing maniacally over Scattergories or some shit" had me rolling.

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Thanks, Jay. For some reason, I guess a lot of us have grown up with this notion that families should be A) together all the time and B) actively happy all the time. When like most things, the reality is more nuanced and feels better when you accept your version of it.

P.S I have never played Scattergories.

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I always enjoy reading your writing! It makes me feel good. You have a great perspective on life. LY.

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Thanks, Val!

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Very Impressive thinking / writing April ! --- What I perceive is that Jason and you are doing quite well as parents, and because of that : your boys are pretty darn good kids AND your family ( of INDIVIDUALS___*** another Key Part of your discussion... ) is / are doing Nicely.




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Thanks, Doug. I appreciate you taking the time to read and comment..

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I'm looking forward to reading more of your writings / thoughts / viewpoints / insights April !! 😻

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I found this one especially funny in parts and thanks for the trip down memory lane. I mostly remember taking and/or going to many activities, especially during y'all's adolescence.

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Yeah, that's mostly what I'll remember about this period in my life, too. Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment!

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