Sometimes things just need to be written. And then sometimes they just need to be deleted. It turns out the important part was the catharsis of just thinking it through and getting it out. Purging, I guess. What I was thinking while reading this essay is that one of the things I enjoy so much about your writing is that it touches on common experiences, even ones that we don't know are common experiences, like what makes some jokes funny. Hey, that happened to me too! We are all more or less neurotic and mixed up. It's nice to be reminded that we're not the only one. Cheers April!
Thanks, Kelso. That is one of my overall writing goals -- forging common connection in aspects in which we normally feel alone. And yes, some things do just need to be written, processed and deleted. I have a lot of drafts that never see the light of the public internet.
These pieces about the writing process and coming to insight when things don’t go as planned are so valuable. It’s showing how your mind copes and makes something new of what ends up happening. I’d say it’s a whole sub-genre of creative nonfiction.
Yes, it does feel like its own sub-genre: creative nonfiction as therapy. It's mysterious and fascinating what writing about the past can do to your brain and how you can make connections that way.
Sometimes things just need to be written. And then sometimes they just need to be deleted. It turns out the important part was the catharsis of just thinking it through and getting it out. Purging, I guess. What I was thinking while reading this essay is that one of the things I enjoy so much about your writing is that it touches on common experiences, even ones that we don't know are common experiences, like what makes some jokes funny. Hey, that happened to me too! We are all more or less neurotic and mixed up. It's nice to be reminded that we're not the only one. Cheers April!
Thanks, Kelso. That is one of my overall writing goals -- forging common connection in aspects in which we normally feel alone. And yes, some things do just need to be written, processed and deleted. I have a lot of drafts that never see the light of the public internet.
These pieces about the writing process and coming to insight when things don’t go as planned are so valuable. It’s showing how your mind copes and makes something new of what ends up happening. I’d say it’s a whole sub-genre of creative nonfiction.
Yes, it does feel like its own sub-genre: creative nonfiction as therapy. It's mysterious and fascinating what writing about the past can do to your brain and how you can make connections that way.
Can’t wait for next week! And I’m holding on to that concept of “falling into” photos… love that
Yes, that's what it felt like -- falling into the past with all its attendant sights, sounds and feelings. Thanks!